Explore Resources:
Island County
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AAA - Your Local Area Agency on Aging
Northwest Regional Council - https://www.nwrcwa.org/
Support for older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers in Island, San Juan, Skagit, and Whatcom Counties
Local services offered: Aging and disability, behavioral health, care coordination, dementia support, family caregiver support, in-home care, jail health program, non-emergency transport, tribal outreach
Transportation Options
NWRC can assist with: Bus passes in Whatcom and Skagit counties, Gas vouchers and reimbursement forms, Forms for doctor offices, After-hours transportation assistance
Island Transit
Island Transit is a free transit system in Island County, Washington, serving Whidbey Island and Camano Island. The system consists of fixed-route bus service, paratransit, and vanpools. There is no weekend or holiday service.
Phone Numbers: (360) 678-7771 or (800) 240-8747
Website: islandtransit.org
Snowgoose Transit
Local Support Groups
Sharing is Caring – Caregiver Support Group
Camano Center
606 Arrowhead Road, Camano Island
Facilitators: Patti Pontikis, Ellyn Thoreen and Cheryll Davis
Contact: Karen Conway kconway@camanocenter.org or 360-387-0222
Are you caring for someone with early-stage Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia? This support group meets once a month and is a great way to seek support from those who have the same concerns and challenges related to caregiving for someone with mild cognitive or memory impairment.
Group meets 3rd Wednesday at 11:00 at the Camano Center for an hour. Option to stay and have lunch with the group at the Camano Center starting at noon. Lunch is a “pay what you can” donation.
Class format:
First half hour - caregiver and person with dementia start in the same room.
Second half hour – caregivers are in one room and those with dementia may break-out in another room with group facilitator. Caregivers may come without spouse or partner. Person with dementia needs to come with a caregiver or partner. If you are bringing partner with dementia, the group is geared toward early dementia clients (for example, the person with dementia needs to be able to self-manage toileting and have ability to engage in some verbal conversation).
Alzheimer's Disease Support Group
Self-Help & Support Groups
Alzheimer'S Disease Support Group from Langley, WA. Company specialized in: Self-Help & Support Groups. Please call us for more information - (360) 321-1600
14594 SR 525 Langley, WA
(360) 321-1600
Island Senior Resources- Caregiver Support Group
This group is for people who are caring for someone who has a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, other dementias, or any other challenging condition to share experiences, knowledge and support. Friendships are formed and connections are made to help those who are caring for someone diagnosed with this challenging condition.
Engaging Events/Activities in the Area
Memory Cafe, third Tuesdays at 12:30 pm, Oak Harbor First United Methodist Church

Hearts and Hammers
Hearts & Hammers brings together a community of local volunteers to help repair and rehabilitate homes each year in May, for those who are physically or financially unable to do the work alone. Emergency repair services may also be available.
Phone Number: (360) 221-6063
Email: reply@heartsandhammers.com
Website: heartsandhammers.com
Additional Community Resources on South Whidbey Island: