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Legal/Financial | Old Friends Club
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Legal/Financial Assistance

Items to consider:


Direct Beneficiaries: Ensure all bank accounts have designated beneficiaries for a smooth transfer upon your passing.


TOD Deed: Consider a Transfer On Death (TOD) deed for your home to avoid costly probate. File it with your county for a hassle-free property transfer.


Living Will: Document your healthcare preferences in advance for situations where you cannot communicate your wishes.


Durable Power of Attorney: Designate someone to make legal decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.


Power of Attorney for Healthcare: Specify a trusted individual to make healthcare decisions on your behalf.


Last Will and Testament: Decide the distribution of your personal belongings and assets.


Funeral Planning Declaration: Clearly express your burial and service preferences to ease the process for your loved ones.


Avoiding Probate: Having the above documents in order can help you bypass probate, a potentially complex legal process.


Document Lists: Create comprehensive lists of banks, investment accounts, credit cards, utilities, and provide instructions for their management. Ensure the location of life insurance policies is known.


Digital Account Info: Share crucial login information for Apple ID, bank accounts, and online accounts with a trusted individual.


Maintain Titles: Keep titles for vehicles and other assets in a secure and accessible place.


Communication: Talk openly with your designated representatives and close family or friends about your decisions and the reasons behind them. This can prevent misunderstandings and emotional strain.



Dementia Legal Planning Toolkit


People with memory concerns, Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia and their loved ones often have questions about planning for their future. The Dementia Legal Planning Toolkit can help you make important financial and health care decisions and give you the legal forms you need. Download the toolkit here.



A Practical Guide to Social Security Survivors Benefits for LGBTQ+ Couples

Sage: Advocacy and Services for LGBTQ+ Elders 


DID YOU KNOW? Eligibility for Social Security survivors benefits was expanded to more couples who were or would have been legally married.


Visit their website to download the PDF to learn more.



Complete Care Plan (PDF)


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control and Prevention


"Complete this form for the person receiving care. A care plan summarizes a person's health conditions and current treatments for their care."




"The Power of Planning: Taking Control of Your Own Aging Journey" [57:08] is an educational seminar presented by The Seattle Public Library Foundation and King County Library System Foundation. Learn how to navigate the health, legal, and financial challenges that arise as we age with a Certified Care Manager and Elder Law Attorney


Watch the presentation on YouTube here [57:08]



Warner Law Offices, PLCC

Dementia & Driving

While some people with dementia can keep driving through the early stages of the disease, the condition will eventually cause authorities to revoke the privilege. Driving in the advanced stages of dementia can lead to catastrophic results, including fatal car accidents.  


Learn more by visiting their website.



Medicaid Toolkit


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