As an Activities Director with Old Friends Club, I often create a theme around a day’s agenda so that we can find connective pieces that help us all stay engaged. The range of activities are liked, and some disliked, however the theme provides a framework for memories, for experiences, for conversations to surface. All with the aim of engagement. Sometimes engagement looks like staying awake, yet other times…
In our third week of the newly re-opened OFC in Sammamish; the group of nine members had finished listening to a few chapters from Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. We then moved our chairs to an inward-facing circle to begin a movement/sensory activity called, Friendship Web. We sat in a circle and tossed a ball of yarn to one another. After catching the yarn, you were asked to share one fact about yourself to the group. Then, you held onto the yarn whilst tossing the remaining ball to another member. Back and forth, and around and around…before you knew it, we were connected in a Friendship Web. In addition to physical movement and joint attention, we began to feel the joy of inclusion. And perhaps more importantly, we heard a self-chosen fact about each member. Some members shared the name of their hobby, the name of a pet, or their age. Then the yarn arrived in the lap of a member who took his time to speak. “Well, I guess I want you all to know that I love people.” Tosses the ball of yarn. “I enjoy coming to this place to see you all – some I know and some I don’t know yet.” Tosses the ball of yarn. “I like being here, doing this.”
What an honor to be surrounded by willingness, vulnerability, courage, and kindness. What fun to be part of a social engagement group! What an opportunity to continue to provide for our communities. We’d love to expand our web. Tossing the ball of yarn….
Thank you for your support.
-Karen, Activity Director, Sammamish OFC
We still need to raise money to keep spreading this magic. Will you make a donation today?
