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Halloween Activities for People who Have Dementia

"I would make a skeleton joke, but you wouldn't find it very humerus."

Individuals with dementia may have difficulty recognizing objects or remembering the holiday, so it’s helpful to keep decorations festive and fun rather than scary and dark.

That being said, there are so many fun and festive ways to celebrate the day!

Here are a few of our ideas...

Listen to themed music such as “The Monster Mash” and dance! Music sparks memories and dancing is just plain fun!

Check out this video and dance along!

Get crafty! Painting a pumpkin is sometimes easier to do than carving one. There will be less frustration and possibly even more creativity! Add feathers and googly eyes to make your pumpkin silly.

What's a trick without a treat? There are so many yummy snack ideas to make!

Check out these delectable, spooky treats:

The tastes and smells are sure to bring back fond memories.

Give'em pumpkin to talk about! Let's see your competitive side... why not try out some Halloween Trivia?

Or try your hand at writing a Halloween poem or short story... (please share with us if you do! We'd love to read your work!)

Check out "Twas the Night Before Halloween" for inspiration!

Check out the Full Moon and sip on some hot cocoa! It’s the first Full Moon on Halloween since 1944 and is a Hunter’s Blue Moon!

We hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween! Happy Halloween!



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