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Recap: June 2022 "Tip Tuesday"

The theme for June was "Hygiene". Check out caregiver tips for performing/maintaining hygiene for the person living with dementia below:

June 7:

“At some point, people with Alzheimer’s disease will need help bathing, combing their hair, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed. Because these are private activities, people may not want help.

They may feel embarrassed about being naked in front of caregivers. They also may feel angry about not being able to care for themselves. These suggestions may help with everyday care...” -National Institute on Aging

June 14: Safety Equipment Items to have in the bathroom, according to

-Non-skid safety mat -Grab bars -Shower bench or chair, or a transfer bench

Read the full post here:

June 21: The Alzheimer’s Society shares that hygiene care will become more challenging as the disease progresses in the person living with dementia. One of their many tips is to keep toxic materials, like bathroom cleaners, in a locked cabinet. This is because the person may not understand labels as their disease progresses. Anything sharp, such as clippers and razors, should also be stored away.

For more tips, check out the “Personal Care” PDF by the Alzheimer’s Society. Link for the PDF can be found below:

June 28: Hygiene tips from a longterm care facility worker:

-Offer a shower to the person living with dementia first thing in the morning. It’s usually easier to perform hygiene earlier in the day, especially if the person sundowns. -Offer manicures as a way to clean and cut nails (unless diabetic) -Use activities, like family and friend visits, as a reason to get dressed and brush hair



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