The theme for May was "communication". Check out these communications tips below!

May 3: To kick off this month, check out this article, "Why dementia and respect should not be separated" on Teepa Snow's "Positive Approach to Care" website by Dan Bulgarelli and Teffie Landmann
“There are so many myths and misconceptions when it comes to dementia that most people, including many in the medical community, are unaware of the typical progressions of the various forms of dementia. The majority of the evaluation scales people use to describe the progression of dementia focus only on skills and abilities that are lost. They don’t acknowledge what a person is still able to do, only focusing on what the person can’t do.” Read the full article here:

May 10: The Alzheimer’s Association shares changes you can expect to see in communication as the disease progresses. A few examples include:
-Difficulty finding the right words -Using familiar words repeatedly -Describing familiar objects rather than calling them by name -Easily losing a train of thought
Discover more changes and learn more about Communication on the Alzheimer’s Association’s website. Link below:

May 17: The National Institute on Aging shares tips to make communication easier as well as ways to encourage the person living with dementia to communicate with you.
One way is to hold the person’s hand while you talk.

May 24: Be aware of your non-verbal cues.
Speak calmly and keep your body language relaxed.
Read more about aiding a conversation on the Ohio Council for Cognitive Health’s website.

May 31: Ask questions about art. This is a great way to engage in conversation because these questions can “prompt words, images and memories for the person.”
Read more about art and communication here: