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Snohomish County
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AAA - Your Local Area Agency on Aging
Snohomish County Aging and Disability Division
Transportation Options
Snohomish County - Homage - TAP (Transportation Assistance Program) and Pay Your Pal
TAP is a rural transportation program that provides service to older adults and people with disabilities who are outside of the DART service area. TAP clients are picked up at their door and delivered to their destination or if needed, transferred to another transportation provider – DART, Everett Para Transit, or ACCESS.
TAP provides safe and reliable transportation for older adults and people with disabilities who live outside the DART service area. TAP’s wheelchair-accessible vehicles connect people to services, health care, senior centers, shopping, recreation and more.
Transportation is the key to your job, education and medical care. We understand youth and adults with disabilities may have a difficult time accessing transportation. Especially if you do not live near public transportation. The Pay Your Pal Program helps reimburse your neighbors, friends or others who can give you a ride for the cost of your travel.
Snow Goose Transit
Snow Goose Transit is a “flex route” service. A flex route service allows us to pick people up from their front door, if you have mobility issues. The deviation request must be scheduled 48 hours in advanced. You can schedule a deviation by contacting our office at 360-629-7403 ext. 101 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (Mon-Fri). Our buses have room for several passengers and two wheelchairs. We provide service to Camano Island, Stanwood, Angel of the Winds Casino, Arlington, and Smokey Point.
See the schedules with bus stop locations here (or click on the arrow button)
Local Support Groups
Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Memory Cafe in Edmonds, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 2-3:30 PM

Local Educational Opportunities
Engaging Events/Activities in the Area