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Support | Old Friends Club
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Explore Resources:


The Memory Hub Memory Navigator Drop-In Services


What can I discuss with the Memory Navigator?

  •         Information about memory loss

  •         Caregiving information

  •         Support groups for people with memory loss or caregivers

  •         Safety assessment

  •         Information about advanced directives

  •         Long distance caregiving

What other services can the Memory Navigator connect me to?

  •         Respite care (during the day, or overnight)

  •         Home care

  •         Assisted living / housing

  •         Legal planning

  •         Financial counseling



Washington State Department of Social and Health Services - Tip Sheets for Family and Care Partners 

Caring for a person with Alzheimer's or another dementia is challenging and changes regularly. Download one, more or all of these tip sheets for suggestions on how to handle common challenges and situations. Tip sheets are available in English, Spanish and Japanese.




Alzheimer's Association Support Groups-Western WA

Download the PDF list here.



Alzheimer's Foundation of America Support Groups

Find a group here.



Atypical Parkinson's Virtual Support Group


4th Mondays, 11am - 12:30 pm


Mutual support for people with CBD, PSP, MSA, and their care partners and loved ones. Facilitated by Dr. Kristoffer Rhoads, Neuropsychologist. Offered by the MBWC in partnership with the American Parkinson Disease Association NW Chapter.


For more information, contact:



Dementia Support NW - Support Groups


Caregiver Support Groups (In-Person and Virtual Option)

Blending one-on-one education with traditional peer support, these evidence-based, confidential groups  meet weekly to provide the caregiver or loved one the opportunity to talk to other individuals who are facing some of the same problems and challenges they are. Many find it helpful to talk with an understanding group about the frustrations they are experiencing.


Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss create many specific problems for families in their daily lives. Simply getting to know other people with similar concerns is a comfort to many.




Greenwood Senior Center Support Groups and Counseling

Virtual and In-Person


View the support groups and counseling options here.



The Memory Hub - Virtual Caregiver Forum 

Mondays, 10-11 am


Details and registration available here.



Pierce County Support Groups


Several different options for support groups in Pierce County. View the support group options here:



Sharing is Caring – Caregiver Support Group

Camano Center

606 Arrowhead Road, Camano Island

Facilitators: Patti Pontikis, Ellyn Thoreen and Cheryll Davis

Contact:  Karen Conway or 360-387-0222



Are you caring for someone with early-stage Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia? This support group meets once a month and is a great way to seek support from those who have the same concerns and challenges related to caregiving for someone with mild cognitive or memory impairment.


Group meets 3rd Wednesday at 11:00 at the Camano Center for an hour.  Option to stay and have lunch with the group at the Camano Center starting at noon.  Lunch is a “pay what you can” donation.


Class format:

First half hour - caregiver and person with dementia start in the same room.

Second half hour – caregivers are in one room and those with dementia may break-out in another room with group facilitator. Caregivers may come without spouse or partner. Person with dementia needs to come with a caregiver or partner. If you are bringing partner with dementia, the group is geared toward early dementia clients (for example, the person with dementia needs to be able to self-manage toileting and have ability to engage in some verbal conversation).



“10 Ways to Support Your Caregiver Friends”  (Alzheimer’s Foundation of America) | View the article here



Low Vision Support Group — Second Thursdays, 2 – 3 PM

NEST Office, 8008 35th Ave NE, Fireside Room, In-person

Share resources and coping strategies.

Contact: (206) 525-6378,

Visit website





GenPride Seattle



Alzheimer’s Association LGBTQIA+ Community Dementia Resources,ALZConnected%C2%AE%20is%20a%20free%20online%20community%20for%20people%20living,services%20organization%20for%20LGBTQ%2B%20elders.


​ Resources



LGBTQ+: Living with Dementia, Alzheimer’s Society UK



AARP Resources for LGBTQ Caregivers,to%20registered%20users%27%20individual%20needs.



AFA Support the LGBTQ Community in Dementia Care,development%20of%20individuals%20and%20organizations.



Coalition for Aging LGBT



Seattle LGBTQIA+ Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregiver Support Group



Virgina Mason Support Groups:  



"Dementia Untangled"


Our podcast aims to offer expert guidance and support for the millions of family caregivers of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. The episodes are produced by Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and Banner Sun Health Research Institute, which are designated Centers of Excellence by Banner Health for the care, support and research of memory disorders.



"How Dementia Works" - Stuff You Should Know

Episode aired 11/19/15



“This Conversation Changed the Way I Think About Dementia” from the First Person podcast. This episode talks about art, the power of adapting with the ever-changing person, and fun little stories the guest speaker shares with the host.



"Unconditional" directed by Richard Lui


UNCONDITIONAL is a film about three families setting off on journeys of self-discovery, taking on the most emotional topics of our day – physical and mental health. Not just the polar extremes portrayed in the media, it comes in hundreds of shades and in places we do not notice. We, with our loved ones, form a beautiful but complex social system and we are balancing individual mental health in a collective setting all the time. Filmed over seven years, Unconditional bravely explores a long arc of mental health that challenges over 50 million families each year. It chronicles three families (including filmmaker Richard Lui’s) in their journey of caregiving as they grapple with difficult realities and hidden wounds.



"Today Was A Good Day" offers different perspectives on the day-to-day life of a caregiver, as seen through the eyes of three Southeastern Michigan residents who have taken on the many roles and responsibilities of caring for an aging parent.


This film was released in April 2020 at the Detroit Freep Documentary Film Festival. It was produced for the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation through Lafayette/American in Detroit, Michigan. The film features KaTania Brown & Bessie Brown, Marla Renee & Athalia Brown, Roger Young & Lily Young and Dr. Paula Duren, Ph.D of Universal Dementia Caregivers.



Alzheimer’s Caregiver Network

We are an independent not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that works to positively impact the lives of those caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease.



Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA)

FCA support and assists families and caregivers through education, advocacy and services. In addition to providing training to technical assistance to California’s Caregiver Resource Centers, FCA hosts the National Center on Caregiving (NCC). The NCC serves as a central source of information on caregiving and long-term care issues and works to advance policies and programs for caregivers in every state in the country.

CareNav is a simple, user-friendly tool designed to help families navigate the complexities of the caregiving journey. Register online or call us toll-free at 800.445.8106.



Washington Area Agencies on Aging (Washington Aging and Disability Services Administration)

AAAs offer aging services, including:
– Information and Assistance
– Care Management
– Nutrition Services (i.e., Meals on Wheels)
– Legal Assistance
– Services for family caregivers through the Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP)
State Aging and Disability Services website links to AAAs and also provides information about all state aging and caregiver programs.



Loving Them Forward 

We’re a community of people that have been taking care of family members and seniors through life transitions personally and professionally. Through trial and error, we’ve accumulated a master list of our most helpful local professionals, organizations and services in Vancouver, Washington. Big or small, we have a resource to provide the solution you’re looking for. Family caregivers and seniors don’t have to do it all alone. We offer these resource referrals FREE of charge in an effort to provide a better quality of life for our community caregiver’s beloved family members and elderly population. 

List of resources: 



Tips for Spousal Caregivers



Working Daughter


At Working Daughter, we’re redefining caregiving.

We give you access to resources, services, and coaching to support you and the person you care for.

Here you’ll find energy, confidence, focus and a community

that gets you.

We help women balance eldercare, career, raising kids and more with tools, connections, coaching, compassion and support.



Additional Newsletters to Subscribe to:


Issaquah/Sammamish Nourishing Network Weekly Emails


"If you were hungry and without food for you and your family, would you know where to get food? This question mobilized people in our community to start addressing the basic human needs in their city by creating human connection and fostering community collaboration and continues to drive the mission of Nourishing Networks. Every network we establish attends to the immediate needs of their area by joining forces with other organizations, services, and local leaders to increase awareness and help fill the gaps with any emerging issues within a community..."



Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers Newsletter 

The Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI) promotes the health, strength, and resilience of all caregivers at every stage of their journey.



Online Dementia Journal

Positive Approach to Care, different topics every month with blogs, videos, and more. Free.



Northwest Center for Creative Aging


A place for dementia-friendly community, collaboration, and impact.



The Memory Hub 


"Interested in unique Memory Hub content? Subscribe to the Memory Hub newsletter and get our news and resources delivered to your inbox every first Friday. Content includes the Memory Hub team spotlight, Tech Lab's resource offering: "Tech Corner", Maude's Garden's "What's in Bloom," Collaborator news, programs & events, and more."



Alzheimer's Today publication


The official magazine of the Alzheimer's Foundation of America



From the launch of the very first CaringBridge site, we’ve been working toward a single vision: a world where no one goes through a health journey alone. In order to turn this vision into reality, we’ve made it our mission to build bridges of care and communication providing love and support on a health journey.



Meal Train

Organize meals for a friend after a birth, surgery, or illness.



Lotsa Helping Hands

Easily Organize Help for Someone in Need.

A central place to coordinate meals and help for friends & family.



Care Calendar


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